Friday, February 19, 2016


Cool FM On-Air personality, Freeze has voiced his opinion on the recent removal of legendary singer Onyeka Onwenu as the DG of National Centre for Women Development and her subsequent claim that she was sacked because she’s Igbo.
According to Freeze, ‘Dear Madam, you were not sacked because you are Igbo, stop creating unnecessary tension in an already volatile situation you are not helping matters. If Nigeria goes to war, poor, innocent and helpless people would suffer’.
He continued, ‘Syria has a population of 25 million people, far less than LAGOS state alone yet the world can’t handle its refuge crisis. I shudder to imagine our own. Lose(sic)  statements like ‘Buhari sacked me because I am Igbo’ would only serve to fuel more hatred and animosity. Sit at home and face your issue without dragging an innocent nation into your personal battle. How long did you really expect to eat under 2 different regimes and what really did you have to offer?
i believe this madan really need to come of more mature and stop making nonsense out sense, having served under Jonathan for six years should not be ticket to her continuity in office, we all know its all about party and and its political pay off to its various loyalist. Madam should be be told to stop making noise around and expect possible probe of her activities instead of making noise all arround

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