World War II was nearing its end. The Allies had already defeated Hitler’s Germany, but Japan, Germany’s ally, was determined to keep fighting.
On August 6th, a US military plane dropped and atomic bomb on Hiroshima, destroying 90% of the city and killing 80,000 people on the spot. Another bomb dropped on Nagasaki three days later, killing another 40,000. Survivors lived through a horrific aftermath of severe burns and radiation sickness
The bombings became one of the most hotly contested decisions in history. Did President Harry Truman have no choice? Did those bombings prevent further deaths? Or was it a horrific act that caused ridiculous amounts of suffering? Could it have been prevented? Is it ever OK to bomb civilians on purpose?
Seventy-one years later, America and Japan are friends now, and Obama is the first President to show up in person in Hiroshima. America has never apologized for dropping the bombs, so everyone wondered what Obama would say when he visited the site, now a memorial to those who died in the bombings Obama attended the Hiroshima Peace Park, he, he may have not apologize openly as widely speculated by the white house but his body language and what he wrote at the ark speaks much volume of humanitarian and compassionate apologies that has nothing to do with either against or not against American value as claimed by the New York Post the President wrote,
“We have known the agony of war. Let us now find the courage, together, to spread peace, and pursue a world without nuclear weapons.”
He then laid a wreath on the memorial mourning the deaths caused by the bombs, and gave a passionate speech commemorating the dead.
The New York Post wrote
"An American president’s highest moral, constitutional and political duty is protecting his fellow citizens from foreign threats. Presidents should adhere to our values and the Constitution, and not treat America’s enemies as morally equivalent to us.
If they do, they need not apologize to anyone.
The White House says that President Obama won’t apologize as he visits Hiroshima Friday. But who believes his press flacks?
His penchant for apologizing is central to his legacy. He may not often say “I apologize” explicitly, but his meaning is always clear, especially since he often bends his knee overseas, where he knows the foreign audiences will get his meaning. It is, in fact, Obama’s subtlety that makes his effort to reduce America’s influence in the world so dangerous."
Am sure the editor and the critics of New York Post Perhaps would have see it differently if his entire family was among the victims an him being a survival, I wonder if any value being talked bout actually worth anybody life how much more such devastating impact of such bombing where several life were cut short if President Obama will compel Prime Minister Shinzo Abe feel to offer his own apology for Japan’s wartime atrocities, including the "Rape of Nanking" in China and massacres of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore, well so be it for the sake of unification against the looming and possible outrage from the North Korea
its seems that Obama apologizing would bring up the issue of Japan apologizing, which is something Mr. Abe desperately wants to avoid according to a Professor of one of Hiroshima university

Obama visit has been refers to be different opinion some sees it as right step in the right direction, you can call it a sympathy visit call it an insult to American value and status in the international politics but we at veritus see the visit as a long over due restitutions which American ought to have done long time ago if for nor reason but to heal the wound of the survival and console the diseased its a long over due restitution either genuine or counterfeit God bless Barrack Obama God Bless the United State of maerica
The New York Post wrote
"An American president’s highest moral, constitutional and political duty is protecting his fellow citizens from foreign threats. Presidents should adhere to our values and the Constitution, and not treat America’s enemies as morally equivalent to us.
If they do, they need not apologize to anyone.
The White House says that President Obama won’t apologize as he visits Hiroshima Friday. But who believes his press flacks?
His penchant for apologizing is central to his legacy. He may not often say “I apologize” explicitly, but his meaning is always clear, especially since he often bends his knee overseas, where he knows the foreign audiences will get his meaning. It is, in fact, Obama’s subtlety that makes his effort to reduce America’s influence in the world so dangerous."
Am sure the editor and the critics of New York Post Perhaps would have see it differently if his entire family was among the victims an him being a survival, I wonder if any value being talked bout actually worth anybody life how much more such devastating impact of such bombing where several life were cut short if President Obama will compel Prime Minister Shinzo Abe feel to offer his own apology for Japan’s wartime atrocities, including the "Rape of Nanking" in China and massacres of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore, well so be it for the sake of unification against the looming and possible outrage from the North Korea
its seems that Obama apologizing would bring up the issue of Japan apologizing, which is something Mr. Abe desperately wants to avoid according to a Professor of one of Hiroshima university

Obama visit has been refers to be different opinion some sees it as right step in the right direction, you can call it a sympathy visit call it an insult to American value and status in the international politics but we at veritus see the visit as a long over due restitutions which American ought to have done long time ago if for nor reason but to heal the wound of the survival and console the diseased its a long over due restitution either genuine or counterfeit God bless Barrack Obama God Bless the United State of maerica
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